Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A video for enjoyment

Just a video of me shooting my dad's new pistol, a Springfield XD 9mm :)

The joys of being sick

So with all the talk of swine flu(oh wait I'm sorry H1N1, which everybody should really be calling hiney) I knew sooner or later I'd probably succumb to the flu this year.  Especially since I don't cover my mouth when I sneeze, or wash my hands, and I occasionally eat food off the floor, but that's besides the point.  As far as swine flu goes I don't think it exists and its just another big stupid scare to get people to take a vaccine thats probably going to kill you or make you get the flu anyway.  I think people are freaked out way to easily nowadays.  All people really really need to eat chocolate and just chill.  But, its not my job to worry about people and I don't worry anyway, so I guess I don't really care.

So my oldest brother started college and of course that means he's brought all kinds of nice little bugs home.  He broke his finger falling up the stairs and then he got sick and he's like the biggest prima donna.  So he sat on the couch and groaned and whined for three days until he was better then he had to tell everybody he met all of his symptoms and how bad they were and I was about ready to just put a pillow over his head......serenity now........

So anyway he got over it, I learned to be more deaf than I already am(tinnitus in one ear, hehe) so whatever.  Then last Saturday the local vet was hosting a horse show to show off the Arabians she's bred and I had a few friends that were showing their horses there so of course I really wanted to go.  So I made plans and went to bed on Friday night with just a bit of tightness in my chest.  I thought nothing of it and went to bed.  I didn't really sleep much but rather hallucinated all night long, kind of an odd experience.  So I woke up with a really high fever and could barely walk.  Oh fun....

So the whole morning I laid on the couch with a fever, barely able to move.  Mom came in and told me I can't go to the horse show(as if it wasn't obvious) but since I was still hallucinating I told her I was and somehow convinced myself that I had actually already left and was on my way there.  Yeah I was kind of pitiful.

So somehow I always manage to get the flu the same time as my brother David, who is the biggest puker ever.  I fortunately have not puked in over six or seven years, which I know that makes me sound like some kind of recovering anorexic or bolemic.  I learned a long time ago when I got braces that food gets caught in them, and if you throw up digested food gets caught in them and you have to taste it for a while.  So I've always had this no puking resolution that I've stuck to, then again I don't really eat anything to puke up when I'm sick.  I can usually go for about three days without eating when I'm sick and not feel hungry.  I mean, I'm hungry but I don't want to eat.  Which is kind of bad because I lose weight easily when I'm sick.  Last time I got the flu(which was 3 years ago) I got down to 95 pounds but I haven't lost that much weight this time.

In the spirit of being sick, I of course embrace my French heritage of not showering, and although I'm not English I've adopted not brushing my teeth which is as equally disgusting.  I'd rather take no shower though over mom waking me up at six in the morning after I just fell asleep asking if the remedy worked from the night before.  My mom is weird.

So I need to end here, I won't mention anything about the extreme agitation and short tempter that seems to come with being sick, as well as this sense of being totally unable to think of what you were just about to say.  Which is what is happening to me right now.

But before I go, I would like to say Happy Veterans Day to all those who have bravely served this great country, past, present and future.  The sacrifice you have made for my freedom is greatly appreciated.