Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of an Era

Its hard to believe that ten years have already gone by. It seems like only yesterday I was thinking the world was going to end at 8 years old, Y2K was going to kill us all. Then the clock turned at midnight and nothing happened of course. Just like tonight when the clock turns nothing will happen, except half of us will still be writing 2009 on our checks next week forgetting that it’s 2010.

Its hard to believe the time that has passed after all the events of the decade. Two presidents, neither worth writing about in a history book, an attack which shocked the nation, a war, tsunami, hurricanes, a new pope, technological advances, the death of icons, stock market crashes, economic failure. I know I’m forgetting a lot, but I was never one to remember well in the first place.

Time flies so fast its hard to keep track sometimes, or stay on the track for that matter.

These ten years are filled with memories. Some memories I want to cherish, but will probably forget; other memories I will want to forget but they will still naw at my subconscious self.

This is the decade I will always cherish though, it is the decade which shaped me, changed me for the better and it was in this period of time that I was finally able to uncover who I was, who I am, who I want to be, and who I hope to always be. Me. Not some stupid sheep that follows the crowd, just the horribly plain me.

As I sit here writing this I wonder if ten years from now if I’ll look back and wonder: WTF was I thinking?

So to everybody, Happy New Year and Happy New Decade. May this new year and this new decade bring you health and happiness, and may the next decade be the better decade to remember.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A video for enjoyment

Just a video of me shooting my dad's new pistol, a Springfield XD 9mm :)

The joys of being sick

So with all the talk of swine flu(oh wait I'm sorry H1N1, which everybody should really be calling hiney) I knew sooner or later I'd probably succumb to the flu this year.  Especially since I don't cover my mouth when I sneeze, or wash my hands, and I occasionally eat food off the floor, but that's besides the point.  As far as swine flu goes I don't think it exists and its just another big stupid scare to get people to take a vaccine thats probably going to kill you or make you get the flu anyway.  I think people are freaked out way to easily nowadays.  All people really really need to eat chocolate and just chill.  But, its not my job to worry about people and I don't worry anyway, so I guess I don't really care.

So my oldest brother started college and of course that means he's brought all kinds of nice little bugs home.  He broke his finger falling up the stairs and then he got sick and he's like the biggest prima donna.  So he sat on the couch and groaned and whined for three days until he was better then he had to tell everybody he met all of his symptoms and how bad they were and I was about ready to just put a pillow over his head......serenity now........

So anyway he got over it, I learned to be more deaf than I already am(tinnitus in one ear, hehe) so whatever.  Then last Saturday the local vet was hosting a horse show to show off the Arabians she's bred and I had a few friends that were showing their horses there so of course I really wanted to go.  So I made plans and went to bed on Friday night with just a bit of tightness in my chest.  I thought nothing of it and went to bed.  I didn't really sleep much but rather hallucinated all night long, kind of an odd experience.  So I woke up with a really high fever and could barely walk.  Oh fun....

So the whole morning I laid on the couch with a fever, barely able to move.  Mom came in and told me I can't go to the horse show(as if it wasn't obvious) but since I was still hallucinating I told her I was and somehow convinced myself that I had actually already left and was on my way there.  Yeah I was kind of pitiful.

So somehow I always manage to get the flu the same time as my brother David, who is the biggest puker ever.  I fortunately have not puked in over six or seven years, which I know that makes me sound like some kind of recovering anorexic or bolemic.  I learned a long time ago when I got braces that food gets caught in them, and if you throw up digested food gets caught in them and you have to taste it for a while.  So I've always had this no puking resolution that I've stuck to, then again I don't really eat anything to puke up when I'm sick.  I can usually go for about three days without eating when I'm sick and not feel hungry.  I mean, I'm hungry but I don't want to eat.  Which is kind of bad because I lose weight easily when I'm sick.  Last time I got the flu(which was 3 years ago) I got down to 95 pounds but I haven't lost that much weight this time.

In the spirit of being sick, I of course embrace my French heritage of not showering, and although I'm not English I've adopted not brushing my teeth which is as equally disgusting.  I'd rather take no shower though over mom waking me up at six in the morning after I just fell asleep asking if the remedy worked from the night before.  My mom is weird.

So I need to end here, I won't mention anything about the extreme agitation and short tempter that seems to come with being sick, as well as this sense of being totally unable to think of what you were just about to say.  Which is what is happening to me right now.

But before I go, I would like to say Happy Veterans Day to all those who have bravely served this great country, past, present and future.  The sacrifice you have made for my freedom is greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting older

I might as well be an 80 year old with Alzheimers for how bad my memory is.  I have a thought and a second later its out the window.  I think I wrote an entire blog article in my head this afternoon while I was out doing chores and as soon as I sat down here I can't remember a word of what I was going to say.  I need to set up a desk and an internet connection outside, since it seems like that is the only place my mind can function properly.

So I guess I am posting this for the sake of posting.

I will say though in other writing I've finished a test on an extremely stupid play, although I still have an interpretive essay to do on the same play.  And I've written a whole chapter in my book(yay!)  now I just need to write a short story which I absolutely positively suck at doing.

I want to do Halloween but my mother seems to think that dressing up and getting free candy is the darkest offence to the Catholic church.  Which really sucks because I had the most awesome My Chemical Romance inspired costume idea.  Oh well, screw it.  Speaking of which I need some chocolate, my stash is empty.

I really don't like being mature, is it stupid to say I really wish I could be a stupid, thoughtless teenager sometimes?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Before the Lobotomy

Don't ask, I couldn't think of a title, thats what I happen to be listening to right now.

I don't know how many times I tell myself I need to blog more, but I don't know why I tell myself that.  I mean honestly, if I have something to say I'll say it, but I've realized with blogging that I'm not really a 'me-me-me' person.  I don't know, my biggest problem is not being able to organize my thoughts and put them down in type, which is frustrating.  lol, idk.

At times I feel like I've found my identity, found who I really am and who I really want to be.  And at times I feel like I don't know myself, and I'm still searching.  Life is unbearable at times when you feel the skeleton in your closet scratching at the door.

On a lighter note, I had writer's block the other night so I decided to go back and rewrite this scene in my book because one of my friends suggested the Ian needed to bring a ladder to get Sybil off the roof(she jumps off and breaks her ankle in the real scene) so here is what happened. And I discovered that I really really suck at third person writing, although this is only the roughest of drafts. Enjoy =D

Chapter 6: Alternate Sneak Out Scene aka this is what comes about when I get writer’s block

Have you ever wanted to sneak out but you were stopped because of being unable to get off of that damn house roof without breaking your ankle because you’re such a clumsy retard? Then you can be at rest and sneak out with your boyfriend to go to a drinking party with the Fucking Tiny Monster Ladder!
Sybil has a fun filled night planned a head of her. Going out with a guy her aunt and uncle don’t approve of to a drinking party while being grounded is her idea of a good night but there’s one slight problem Sybil faces as she climbed out her window.
“Oh Ian! Help me! What ever am I supposed to do? I am stuck on the porch roof and cannot get down!” she says in obvious distress.
“Never fear dearest Sybil! I’ll get you to that drinking party with the Fucking Tiny Monster Ladder!” Ian replies jubilantly.
“What the fuck is that?”
“Why it’s the answer to get you off that goddamned roof, look!” he replies pulling the palm sized ladder out of his pocket.
“Its fucking tiny! How is that piece of crap supposed to get me down?”
“Watch, it easily unfolds from this fucking tiny size to this huge ass monster size!” he replies struggling to work the idiotically simple mechanism that unfolds the ladder. After a few four-letter words and a sliced thumb he succeeds in unfolding it and placed it against the house.
“Sybil, climb down and I will whisk you away from this fucking crappy place and drown your troubles with tequila!” As Sybil goes to grab a step on the ladder, it breaks off and the jagged edge of it cuts her arm.
“Wow! What sort of material is this fucking piece of shit ladder made of?”
“Why only the cheapest and worst quality Chinese metal is used to make the Fucking Little Monster Ladder. You can be assured that the quality of the ladder will barely last a single use.”
“Wow it must be one shitty ladder,” Sybil replies as she tries to stop her profuse bleeding.
“You can be assured that the Fucking Tiny Monster Ladder is the shittiest ladder in the industry. No other ladder can come close to its lack of quality.”
As Sybil mounts the ladder and begins to climb down the steps give way and she falls to the ground and breaks her arm.
“Wow!” she says jumping up. “That was much easier than jumping off the roof!”
“What is all this commotion out here?” Ron says and he and Denise come outside looking quite disheveled.
“Why Uncle Ron! I was just sneaking out with Ian to go to a drinking party!” Sybil replies enthusiastically jumping up and down while her arm hangs lifelessly.
“Yes Mr. Mestelle I was helping Sybil sneak out because you and Mrs. Mestelle are such overbearing assholes.” Ian replies putting his arm around Sybil.
“But you’re grounded Sybil Lenore, how ever did you get out without using the front door?” Denise asks.
“Why Ian was nice enough to bring his Fucking Tiny Monster Ladder so I could sneak out my window and climb down from the roof!”
“Why what in the world is the Fucking Tiny Monster Ladder?” Ron asks getting flustered.
“Why it’s the crappiest ladder in the industry, its barely strong enough to support the weight of a fly,” Ian says motioning to the ruined ladder leaning against the house.
“Wow! What a piece of shit! How much does something like that cost?” Ron asks crumpling the ladder like a tin can.
“The Fucking Tiny Monster Ladder can be yours for only 30 easy payments of $99.95!” Ian says motioning with his arm towards the ladder knocking Sybil in the face during the process.
“Wow! 30 easy payments of $99.95? That’s so unaffordable I can’t pass it up!” Ron says ecstatically.
“Yep and it’s guaranteed to never last past its first use and if it breaks then tough shit mister,” Ian replies with one of his thousand watt smiles.
“Wow! Well isn’t that the most fucked up deal ever!” Ron exclaims. “Now you kids get your asses off somewhere or I’ll call the cops!”
“Yes sir dumbass!” Ian and Sybil exclaim as they run off for their fun filled night.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Time has no essence

And I suck at making titles.

So this is my first post this summer, and summer is almost over. My life is flashing away right before my eyes and I don't even realize it. The days go by like sand through an hourglass, and at times I don't even seem to notice their passing. My life seems to routine, there is no change, no variation. Always the same, very little change. I don't know, I can hardly voice what I'm thinking anymore.

So recap of the summer for my invisible readers and those who happen to come to my blog through random search engines.

So in May Green Day finally released their 10th album and I of course bought it. It is so awesome, but I'll say that I don't think its quite as good as American Idiot, but still awesome. Its nice to hear some new music from them guys, Billie Joe is such a great lyricist, he really knows how to speak through his music. Green Day is still my all-time favorite band and I sincerely hope they never care what anybody thinks about them and keep on rockin. I did happen to get tickets to see Green Day in Chicago but at the last minute my main ride and my back-up ride had to ditch me due to some things so I didn't get to see them. Fortunately I'm a pessimist and I had a feeling from the moment I bought the tickets that something would happen and I wouldn't be able to go. So no hard feelings on anybody, but I'm stealing my parent's car to see them next spring for sure. hehehehe..........

I just realized I haven't bought any new CDs since May, I need some new music. Huh.

So since I needed a bit more variation in my life I started taking riding(well, horse training) lessons from a friend. She's learning piano from me in exchange, so its not a bad deal. Unfortunately, this has ignited a long dormant passion for horses, which is quite unquenchable. So since my parents won't allow me to have a horse, and I can't afford one, I have to wait until after college before I can consider getting a horse. I'm having fun with the groundtraining though, I'm working with Arabians which are such amazing and beautiful animals. I'm learning Parelli Natural Horsemanship which is a very awesome program, I honestly don't know why more people don't use it. Its very enlightening to learn about horse behavior and actions.

So, I went to the WI State Fair to see my 2nd best friend. Its funny that its only the second time I've met her. She's an awesome person and we had a great time. Kind of funny that the only thing at the WI SF is food and beer. I did get to see the Budwieser Clydesdales, which were very awesome. Here's a pic of Katherine and I
So anyway, went to a few other fairs, ate a bunch of junk food, etc etc, normal summer stuff I guess.

I've been turning and idea over in my head for sometime about writing a book so I've finally taken initiative and so I've started writing one. Its sort of a cheesy teenage romance novel with a couple murder twists thrown in. I don't really like it but I'm just writing it to prove to myself that I can do it. I've got much much better horror stories on the drawing board though.

And finally I want to close this on a very personal note. This summer, my BFF and sister Brenna ran away from home so that she could be with the love of her life. I don't know if you'll ever read this Brenna, but I want you to know how I feel.

I love you as a best friend and sister Brenna, you are the closest thing to a sister I've ever had. I want you to know that I'm not judging what you did, because I know you did what you thought was best for you and you did what you wanted, not what somebody else wanted. I would never judge you, because you never judged me. You were there for me when I was down, you made me laugh, you inspired me to be who I wanted to be, not what everybody else thought I should. If you don't want to be my friend anymore I completely understand and respect your decision.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Ok, so my mom always bitches that I or my brother's don't do anything for her for mothers day(or she complains if we do) so I decided I'd write her a poem this year. I think its extremely corny but feel free to use it as a free gift on your mother =D

To my mother
Because you are unlike any other
Even though it sometimes seems that I hate you
You and I both know that is really not true
I know that you care about me
And see things in a way that I don't see
I know that you always care
Even when you don't seem fair
You've loved me even before I knew how to crawl
And you were there almost every time I would fall
You've taught me there is more to life than what there appears to be
And to always take care of those around me
I say this because you are my mother
A mother unlike any other

Ps, that is a really bad pic of my mom, I wish i had a better one =P

Friday, April 24, 2009


On an evening such as this
It never ceases to bring me bliss
For my eyes never seem to tire
To see the dusky sky all on fire

The sun has burned out in all her glory
Ending the day like a story
Dreamlike as the sky seems to be
Oh what a sight i love to see!

Long after the sun has went to bed
The sky is still hued with orange and red
Yet it still continues to burn with all its might
As a glorious prelude to the coming night

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Easter

So this week is Holy Week, also known as Easter Week. I always find it funny how society wants to try their damnedest to keep religion out of things. Easter is a perfect example. Next to Christmas, Easter is another big spending holiday but nobody wants to admit that it was and still is a religious holiday to begin with. I mean, how the fuck do you get a freakin' bunny to be the symbol for Easter when that has nothing to do with Christ's rising from the dead? Its like have Santa Claus at Christmas, or Valentines Day, or St. Patrick's Day. The latter of which has nothing to do with getting drunk on a weekday and should really only be celebrated properly by Catholics or people of Irish heritage because St. Patrick was not a drunken idiot, he was a SAINT! Are people seriously that afraid of offending non-Christians that we cannot celebrate Christian holidays for what they really are about? Not about bunnies, Santa, drinking, or stupid hallmark cards, but the religious ideals and beliefs that we are supposed to celebrate? I'm surprised they haven't pulled the Happy Holidays crap at Easter. People suck.

I will say though, those Reese's peanut butter eggs are kick ass.

Oh, would somebody please tell me since when do bunnies lay eggs???? Why???? and how?????

Screw it.

Happy Easter everybody.

Friday, April 3, 2009


You know I've never understood why you're not allowed to eat meat on Fridays during lent. I mean, fish could technically be considered meat, but we're still allowed to eat it on Fridays in place of meat. Seems oxymoronish.

Okay, I'm out of topics to write about so I asked my cousin Bri and she says I should write about Waffles vs. Pancakes. Mmmmm.......they sound good, I need to eat some, haven't had them in a while.

Ok well lets see, I myself an a pancake person who lives in a house of waffle people. I think pancakes are superior because you can make them as big or as little as you want and no two pancakes are alike. Not to mention pancakes can sop up like ten times the amount of syrup that waffles can. Waffles tend to be overcooked and crunchy, although the little holes in it are helpful for holding butter and syrup. I hear Belgian waffles are supposed to be like really awesome but I've never had them. Waffles are just to square and boring, they all look alike, bleck. Too conformed to the rest of the breakfast cake society, pancakes are individualistic! Not to mention pancakes always come with that huge ass dollop of butter on top.

Of course pancakes are superior, and anybody wanting to challenge that can make their own fucking breakfast.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Life is life

Why is it every time I'm in church I always want to do something that is so inappropriate? Like burst out in random laughter or pick my nose. Yeah, I'm gross and weird. Church seems to be a contest to see who can stay awake the longest. Or if you sit next to my dad trying not to laugh when he acts like a two year old sitting next to you. I was sick to my stomach tonight, I sat next to a lady who was covered in three different kinds of perfume but that still couldn't cover up the fact that she was a smoker. And my nose always itches when I'm in front of people, never any other time. And I've come to accept the fact that yes I probably have lipstick on my teeth but I can't see it but everybody else can and that is so freakin annoying. Also the fact that there are no such thing as comfortable heels, they all make your feet swell but you have to sacrifice feet swelling to look somewhat better and a few inches taller.

Oh I can't wait for this snow storm thats coming at us. Seven inches and its almost April, how lovely. And the grass just started to green up, damn it.

I'm too critical lately, I need, hmmmm......I don't know what I need.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Nightmare

The Nightmare

I close my eyes to sleep,
And down I go, very deep.
Deep deep down, I go
Where dreams begin to flow.

I ascend into darkness first,
With a dying thirst
For the unknown I face,
Here in this empty place.

I enter a forest in the blackest night,
The scene presented, quite a fright.
Terrified, I try to run away,
But the demons of my dreams hold me at bay.

Out of darkness I come into light,
Wondering where I am in this dream tonight.
I hear a voice, I turn around to see
A person, in this lonely place, calling out to me.

I go to see who it might be,
But the apparition disappears in my reverie.
I feel all alone in this place,
I turn around to find a big horse in my face.

I mount the horse and take off running,
Escaping from invisible pursuers with cunning.
The scene changes, I find myself in a room,
A room of the darkest and dreariest gloom.

I see an animal approaching me,
Its anger in the highest degree.
I back away towards the wall,
And find myself starting to fall.

I awaken to find it is not true
And find myself staring at a ceiling of blue.
On a cold table of steel
In a morgue hoping this isn’t real.

Panicking, I try to awaken.
Finding myself thoroughly shaken,
I am presented with a gun.
Can this dream get anymore fun?

I put the gun to my head
At this point, I wish myself dead
I pull the trigger
To discover something bigger

I open my eyes and behold reality
I am awake and alive in actuality
Finding it was just a dream,
That made me awaken with such a scream.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm the new cancer

Ok, so I've been listening to a lot of Panic at the Disco lately.

Yeah so I've been busy, chasing little goats around the house with wash rags, delivering all the babies that have been popping out in the past few days. My life is so not normal, then again what is normal. I think that electrical outlets and plastic bags are baby magnets, for whatever baby you have.

So my nerves are pretty frayed with sleepless nights, night kiddings, feeding babies, milking, studies, not sleeping, ugh I don't wanna say anymore. What is normal? I have no idea, seems to me normal is the average of odd.

So thats my life for this month, I'm pretty much a brain dead zombie in case you couldn't tell.

Friday, March 13, 2009

March already

Woohooo!! Found my first antler shed of the season, well this will probably be my only one to find, but eh I found one.

So lets see, so far with kidding there are 9 bucks and 4 does, normal crazy dreams, absent minded thoughts and actions and the normal thing of not being able to do pretty much anything. So yeah, pretty much normal.

My mind is pretty much one big garbage ball of crap, so I probably won't write about anything worth reading for a while.

Oh, I'm having lots of problems with typoes in my handwriting, if that is what you could call it. My life is wierd, I need a vacation, to somewhere other than here. My life is one big spiral staircase and I feel like I'm never going to get to the bottom. Its just a repetitive motion, around and around the circle, always doing the same thing never doing something different.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Funny part about used books

Found this in my Advanced Math book, I guess this is one of the advantages of used books.


Yep, title says it all I am totally blank today. I guess I'm just getting numb in preparedness for kidding, which I'm not freaking out about by the way. I'm just anxious and overly impatient this year, which isn't much better. Dreams are the funniest part, especially when Caramel has six fat yellow lab puppies. Better than the stupid grocery shopping dreams I've been having. Now you can be convinced that I've lost my mind, but I sort of lost it a long time ago anyway. Wonder if I'll ever be able to find it again......

So in my moments of bored-blank-dumb-somtimes-stupid-numbness, ok I can't see where I was going here. Oh, I find myself writing poetry for some reason, which is so weird for me especially since I hate poetry. Its mostly dark disturbing poetry though which I probably won't ever show anybody, so I guess I don't really see a point in writing it but its actually sort of fun. My Chemical Romance, Three Days Grace and 30 Seconds to Mars really help to fuel it. Now I just wish I could get my regular writing skills back.

So I finished reading Fyodor Dostoevsky's Demons. It was a bit of a drag but it was a really good book. Gotta love the typical Russian ending: pretty much most of the main and minor characters get murdered, go crazy or commit suicide.

So I got contacts the other day, they are really awesome. I'm surprised I'm not subconsciously rubbing my eyes like I do when I have mascara on.

Its snowing........again............

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Clinging to sanity

So lets see, kidding starts as early as next week, so this will sort of be a goodbye post to the three readers of my blog. After kidding starts, I am the most composed and in control person........when I absolutely need to be. Otherwise, I'm a total complete wreck(nobody sees that of course, haha)

I hate how I can't really put my thoughts out in the way I want. I mean, I've got so many thoughts and some of them are good but I just can't quite put them into words. Its really frustrating. I think I'm going to start writing my unmoderated thoughts in a private journal. Then in twenty years if I feel like it maybe I'll publish it. This really sucks because sanity leaving isn't helping my thought process. I seem to be bitching a lot lately, then again I seem to bitch all the time. I must be a born bitcher.

So a couple weeks ago I finished a book that a friend lent me called The Picture of Dorian Gray. Basically its about a guy who has a picture painted of him in his youth, he falls in love with the portrait and sells his soul for eternal youth. In turn, every time he does something wrong, the picture ages and his image turns horribly ugly, while he stays eternally youthful. As the picture becomes more and more hideous Dorian realizes what he is becoming. You could say the portrait has taken on the appearance of his soul.

I was thinking, I think it would be so interesting, if we had a portrait of ourselves that showed what our souls truly looked like, would we try and strive to be better and stay beautiful? If we realized the ugliness that sin imprints on our souls, every ugly mark it makes, would we try to be better and to stay spiritually beautiful?

So now I've gotten all religious and started preaching, dammit. That book really got me thinking though, awesome book, ending is even better.

Ok, so to my faithful three readers, I say so long for now, I will return somewhat(but not really) normal in a month or two. Hopefully. If I haven't been eaten by baby goats.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I came across this poem the other day when I was cleaning my room. I was something that I copied back when I was little. My mom used to get me poetry books from the library and I would sit for hours on end just copying poems. I threw most of these copied poems away, but I happened upon this one in a notebook the other day. Its always been a favorite of mine, and I think its a poem that everybody could live by or take something from.

By Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone.
For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth,
But has troubles enough of its own.
Sing, and the hills will answer;
Sigh, it is lost on the air.
The echoes bound to a joyful sound,
But shrink from voicing care.

Rejoice, and men will seek you;
Grieve, and they turn and go.
They want full measure of all your pleasure,
But they do not need your woe.
Be glad, and your friends are many,
Be sad, and you lose them all.
There are none to decline your nectared wine,
But alone you must drink life’s gall.

Feast, and your halls are crowded;
Fast, and the world goes by.
Succeed and give, and it helps you live,
But no man can help you die.
There is a room in the halls of pleasure
For a long and lordly train,
But one by one we must file on
Through the narrow aisles of pain.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Incessant boredom

Yeah, I'm bored, as usual. IM with random friends, check my email, myspace and facebook to find they still haven't updated of course from five minutes ago. Watch random youtube movies, try and figure out why there's a countdown clock on My Chem's website, patiently wait for something to fall out of the sky and hit me or something along those lines. When the heck is summer coming?

I really need to blog more but I can never find subjects to blog on. And I find myself moderating myself more than I should when I promised I wouldn't, then again I am finding myself needing to be moderated.

So, lets see, in Sarah's tiny little world nothing and everything is going on as usual. I got my 17th birthday present, a beautiful Ruger .22, purple, of course =) Pics are on Flickr. School sucks, as usual. I finished reading Tom Sawyer and I say, what a horribly composed book. I mean, the story is ok but its very hard to follow with any plots or things like that. I finished reading The Idiot I love Russian novels, no happy endings, or semi happy endings. And I'm convinced that there is not one mentally stable Russian female character.

Ok, so I did write about something, sort of.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Just wasting time, again

A friend posted this on Facebook so I thought I'd just waste five minutes a do it, I think its pretty funny.

1.Put your iPod (or music player) on shuffle.

2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.


Three Marlenas - The Wallflowers

Beautiful - Creed

London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines - Panic at the Disco

Until I Fall Away - Gin Blossoms

Shoplifter - Green Day

Fences - Paramore

Look for Love - Billie Joe Armstrong at 5 years old

WHAT IS 2+2?
Hit the Floor - Linkin Park

Must Get Out - Maroon 5

Don't Panic - Coldplay

Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends - Fall Out Boy

Allentown - Billy Joel

Right Here - Staind

Stuck With Me - Green Day (rofl!)

Juke Box Hero - Foreigner

Forgotten - Avril Lavigne (figures)

Dance, Dance - Fall Out Boy

Do You Know What I'm Seeing? - Panic at the Disco

Higher - Creed

Stoppin' the Love - KT Tunstall

Run - Snow Patrol

One Headlight - The Wallflowers

When it Rains - Paramore

Hallelujah - Paramore

Home - Sheryl Crow

Disloyal Order of the Water Buffalo - Fall Out Boy

20 Dollar Nose Bleed - Fall Out Boy

7 Minutes in Heaven - Fall Out Boy

Today's the Day - America

Mama - My Chemical Romance

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Early B-Day presents

Brenna you're the awesomest and coolest person ever =D Thanks so much =D I needed a new wallet.

My dad really liked the little ober goat and mom seemed pleased as well. =)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Being constructive

Just trying to prove that we did some constructive stuff while mom was gone, mainly bake cookies. She's home tonight and yes we did save her some =)

I'm reading Little Women for school now, for a book analysis, I hate how they say 'ever so' all the time, its ever so stupid. Its no murder and scandal filled philosophical story or teenage vampire romance so I'll have to deal with it. Damn, they never choose good books to read for school.

My brain is locked as usual.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My #1 thing to look forward to........

Yes thats right, the #1 thing I cannot wait for in 2009 is the new Green Day album. AP featured them in their January issue, its a great article. Also had a list of all the other anticipated albums for 2009, including Panic at the Disco, gotta love Brendon Urie =)

After reading the AP article, I really honestly think that Green Day's next album will be awesome, but I don't think it will be able to top American Idiot. American Idiot is pretty hard to top in my opinion, but I still think this will be an awesome album. They are as liberal as ever(they really are just a bunch of idiots themselves) but if I didn't listen to somebody just because they were liberal I probably wouldn't be listening to music. Plus, it seems to be the political edge in Green Day's music that really makes them awesome. Sure hope they go on tour this summer, the album is due in the spring.

Now if My Chemical Romance would come out with an album this year(there is talk of it) that would so make my year.