Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting older

I might as well be an 80 year old with Alzheimers for how bad my memory is.  I have a thought and a second later its out the window.  I think I wrote an entire blog article in my head this afternoon while I was out doing chores and as soon as I sat down here I can't remember a word of what I was going to say.  I need to set up a desk and an internet connection outside, since it seems like that is the only place my mind can function properly.

So I guess I am posting this for the sake of posting.

I will say though in other writing I've finished a test on an extremely stupid play, although I still have an interpretive essay to do on the same play.  And I've written a whole chapter in my book(yay!)  now I just need to write a short story which I absolutely positively suck at doing.

I want to do Halloween but my mother seems to think that dressing up and getting free candy is the darkest offence to the Catholic church.  Which really sucks because I had the most awesome My Chemical Romance inspired costume idea.  Oh well, screw it.  Speaking of which I need some chocolate, my stash is empty.

I really don't like being mature, is it stupid to say I really wish I could be a stupid, thoughtless teenager sometimes?

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