Thursday, February 12, 2009

Clinging to sanity

So lets see, kidding starts as early as next week, so this will sort of be a goodbye post to the three readers of my blog. After kidding starts, I am the most composed and in control person........when I absolutely need to be. Otherwise, I'm a total complete wreck(nobody sees that of course, haha)

I hate how I can't really put my thoughts out in the way I want. I mean, I've got so many thoughts and some of them are good but I just can't quite put them into words. Its really frustrating. I think I'm going to start writing my unmoderated thoughts in a private journal. Then in twenty years if I feel like it maybe I'll publish it. This really sucks because sanity leaving isn't helping my thought process. I seem to be bitching a lot lately, then again I seem to bitch all the time. I must be a born bitcher.

So a couple weeks ago I finished a book that a friend lent me called The Picture of Dorian Gray. Basically its about a guy who has a picture painted of him in his youth, he falls in love with the portrait and sells his soul for eternal youth. In turn, every time he does something wrong, the picture ages and his image turns horribly ugly, while he stays eternally youthful. As the picture becomes more and more hideous Dorian realizes what he is becoming. You could say the portrait has taken on the appearance of his soul.

I was thinking, I think it would be so interesting, if we had a portrait of ourselves that showed what our souls truly looked like, would we try and strive to be better and stay beautiful? If we realized the ugliness that sin imprints on our souls, every ugly mark it makes, would we try to be better and to stay spiritually beautiful?

So now I've gotten all religious and started preaching, dammit. That book really got me thinking though, awesome book, ending is even better.

Ok, so to my faithful three readers, I say so long for now, I will return somewhat(but not really) normal in a month or two. Hopefully. If I haven't been eaten by baby goats.

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