Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm baaaack

So, the stupid internet has been out for two weeks so I haven't been able to post.

Wondering what has happened? Nothing really. Life is boring.

The postal service can't do its job worth a #$%@.
I can rely on nobody.
Its cold.
I'm cold.
I'm tired.
and possibly hungry but not really.
I fought the law and I won.
I hate politics.
Algebra is making me crazy.
I have a 5 page research report due.
Sources are hard to come by.
My iPod is broken.
I'm bored.
Crime and Punishment is an awesome book.
My room needs cleaned again.
I need a hair cut.
I'm in love with My Chemical Romance.
And Green Day.
I love purple nail polish.
And apple pie.
And coconut cream pie.
My birthday is in two months.
I have a life, but feel I still need one.
I'm patiently waiting for Fall Out Boy's tour schedule.
My mind is blank.
I hate teachers.
Wishing I had gone to a Panic at the Disco concert.
I need a job.
I hate Christmas(not the religious aspect, just the other)
And holidays in general.
I sort of hate people in general sometimes.
I'd say something about the election but maybe tommorrow.

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