Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Political crap

Ok time for one of my somewhat famous carried away political posts.

These starry-eyed Barack supporters we call the media are making me sick. I'm really tired of the media glorifying Barack on his new picks for cabinet and his plan to make jobs. As far as I can see this 'change' he speaks of is that we are 'changing back' to the way things were before. He has no new ideas. He's surrounded himself with former Clinton advisers. How is that changing things? I have a feeling Barack has surrounded himself with these people because of his inexperience, he needs somebody to show him the ropes a little bit, so to say.

And what about this job creating thing? Yes yes lets create jobs by building and fixing roads and bridges. Its a totally new idea and its so great and it will work blah blah blah. Its not new, not even close to it. He's just copying what FDR did back in the '30's, which that alone did not get this country out of the Great Depression, WWII did that. So where are we going to get all this money to pay for these 2.5 million jobs? (which btw is not even close to enough jobs we needs to drop the unemployment rate) "Oh we'll just raise taxes." Raising taxes. The age old 'solution' to any problem. Who the heck wants higher taxes? Higher taxes are worse for the economy because the government is taking away what would be the taxpayers extra spending money.

All I gotta say is that the next four years will be really interesting. And I'm also waiting for all those people who voted for Barack hit themselves on the head and say "Why did I vote for him?"

Ok, done bitchin' =)

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