Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cabin fever, Christmas and time machines of all things

Ok, I really starting to suffer from cabin fever here. I can't stand being around my family stuck in the house all day, its driving me nuts. We all got in a fight over something stupid so while they were finishing fighting I was sitting there writing music lyrics down, very calming actually. That past two days have been nothing but white-out conditions, its nice to actually see the sun for once.

Folie a Deux is awesome, lol of course it is. I got sucked into the Twilight series, its really helped me to stop thinking so hard and just to unscramble my brain. Not thinking feels sooooo nice. Its amazing, I'm enjoying advanced math, I don't think I'm normal.

So last night I can't believe this my family wasted an entire hour on a conversation about time machines. I wanted to go back in time and erm...exterminate...a few people, and everybody else had funny ideas. My brother wanted to go back and invent You Tube, and buy a bunch of P-51's for $500, and my dad wanted to go back in time and see how the farm looked in the 1930's. He really thought it would be cool if he could bring his grandparents forward to show what he's done on the farm, and the progress agriculture has made. Kind of cool. In case you were wondering, we waste a lot of time on unintellectual conversations like this, hey its better than talking about freakin' tractors all the time.

So, ending here with a Merry Christmas, I might not like the holiday but that doesn't mean I'm not going to say Merry Christmas to somebody. My favorite cousins aren't coming home because of the weather, which is too bad because I really needed to talk to them, oh well if they see this I love you guys and hope you have a Merry Christmas.

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