Monday, December 15, 2008

Life: The Beautiful Lie

For those of you wondering the exact meaning of “Life is a Beautiful Lie” here is my best explanation of what I think it means.

First off it doesn’t mean that life as itself does not exist, that would be saying there is not a God. Yes there is a God and yes I do believe in God and I do believe that life in itself is full of meaning and purpose, what that purpose is we all must find out for ourselves.

In life, or I should say when we are out in the presence of others, most of us will put on an air of carefreeness, a mask of composure. One may act as if nothing is wrong in their life, like they lead the perfect life. This perfect life is the perfect lie. Underneath the mask, underneath it all lies some trouble, a venomous opinion and loathing of the people around you, as if you are jealous because all of those around you are leading perfectly happy lives(of course you cannot see through their masks like they cannot see through your own) Sitting there drowning in your own pool of depression and despair you wonder how many people see right through you or if they are thinking the same things you are. Some even have skeletons in their closets, knocking, knocking….one may wonder how many hear that knocking or one may wonder if somebody suspects that skeleton is even in the closet.

Maybe not everybody goes through what I described above, but everybody experiences the lie to a certain degree. The seemingly saintly people viciously gossip about their neighbors, a loved one will smile to your face and stab you when you turn your back, an apparently honest person will tell an outright lie.

The lie can be when a person is depressed, in a hopeless situation, in complete misery, on the inside that is. Yet on the outside the person acts as if there is nothing wrong, they act as if they are perfectly happy and normal.

The outside is beautiful, yet the beautiful part is just covering up the dreadfulness that hides deep inside us all.

Then again, maybe this lie does have a purpose. I mean, if we were all to take away the masks, show everybody who we really are, would we be accepted? Would we be seen as just another troubled screwed up person who should be going to therapy? Or will they rebuke you on the outside yet admire you on the inside for throwing your mask aside? Or will they embrace you and try to understand you? On the other hand I guess we must all do what our mothers told us a children and keep up appearances.

So you probably wonder, what is my lie? What is hiding behind my mask? I’ll never tell, you should have gotten enough of a hint already. Nobody fully understands me and nobody ever will.

Go ahead, say your life is free of this lie. Take a closer look, you are a beautiful lie just as much as I am. Your life is just as beautiful a lie as everybody else in this world.

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